Plugin (experimental)


Since version 6.4.0, it is possible to create plugins for analytics management and potentially more. A sample plugin is available in the repository: example/react-native-video-plugin-sample (opens in a new tab).

Commercial Plugins

We at The Widlarz Group have created a set of plugins for comprehensive offline video support. If you are interested, check out our Offline Video SDK (opens in a new tab). If you need additional plugins (analytics, processing, etc.), let us know.

Using or recommending our commercial software helps support the maintenance of this open-source project. Thank you!

Plugins for Analytics

Most analytics systems that track player data (e.g., bitrate, errors) can be integrated directly with ExoPlayer or AVPlayer. This plugin system allows for non-intrusive analytics integration with react-native-video. It should be implemented in native languages (Kotlin/Swift) to ensure efficiency.

The goal is to enable easy analytics integration without modifying react-native-video itself.

Warnings & Considerations

This is an experimental API and may change over time. The API is simple yet flexible enough to implement analytics systems. If additional metadata is needed, you should implement a setter in your custom package.

Since the API is flexible, misuse is possible. The player handle should be treated as read-only. Modifying player behavior may cause unexpected issues in react-native-video.

General Setup

First, create a new React Native package:

npx create-react-native-library@latest react-native-video-custom-analytics

Both Android and iOS implementations expose an RNVPlugin interface. Your react-native-video-custom-analytics package should implement this interface and register itself as a plugin for react-native-video.

Plugin Types

There are two types of plugins you can implement:

  1. Base Plugin (RNVPlugin): For general-purpose plugins that don't need specific player implementation details.
  2. Player-Specific Plugins:
    • RNVAVPlayerPlugin for iOS: Provides type-safe access to AVPlayer instances
    • RNVExoplayerPlugin for Android: Provides type-safe access to ExoPlayer instances

Choose the appropriate plugin type based on your needs. If you need direct access to player-specific APIs, use the player-specific plugin classes.

Android Implementation

1. Create the Plugin

You can implement either the base RNVPlugin interface or the player-specific RNVExoplayerPlugin interface.

Base Plugin

class MyAnalyticsPlugin : RNVPlugin {
    override fun onInstanceCreated(id: String, player: Any) {
        // Handle player creation
    override fun onInstanceRemoved(id: String, player: Any) {
        // Handle player removal

ExoPlayer-Specific Plugin

class MyExoPlayerAnalyticsPlugin : RNVExoplayerPlugin {
    override fun onInstanceCreated(id: String, player: ExoPlayer) {
        // Handle ExoPlayer creation with type-safe access
    override fun onInstanceRemoved(id: String, player: ExoPlayer) {
        // Handle ExoPlayer removal with type-safe access

The RNVPlugin interface defines two functions:

 * Function called when a new player is created
 * @param id: a random string identifying the player
 * @param player: the instantiated player reference
fun onInstanceCreated(id: String, player: Any)
 * Function called when a player should be destroyed
 * when this callback is called, the plugin shall free all
 * resources and release all reference to Player object
 * @param id: a random string identifying the player
 * @param player: the player to release
fun onInstanceRemoved(id: String, player: Any)

2. Register the Plugin

To register the plugin within the main react-native-video package, call:


In the sample implementation, the plugin is registered in the createNativeModules entry point.

Once registered, your module can track player updates and report analytics data.

Extending Core Functionality via Plugins

In addition to analytics, plugins can also be used to modify or override core behavior of react-native-video.

This allows native modules to deeply integrate with the playback system - for example:

  • replacing the media source factory,
  • modifying the media item before playback starts (e.g., injecting stream keys),
  • disabling caching dynamically per source.

These capabilities are available through the advanced Android plugin interface: RNVExoplayerPlugin.

⚠️ These extension points are optional — if no plugin provides them, the player behaves exactly as it did before.

Plugin Extension Points (Android)

If your plugin implements RNVExoplayerPlugin, you can override the following methods:

1. overrideMediaItemBuilder

Allows you to modify the MediaItem.Builder before it’s used. You can inject stream keys, cache keys, or override URIs.

override fun overrideMediaItemBuilder(
    source: Source,
    mediaItemBuilder: MediaItem.Builder
): MediaItem.Builder? {
    // Return modified builder or null to use default
2. overrideMediaDataSourceFactory

Lets you replace the data source used by ExoPlayer. Useful for implementing read-only cache or request interception.

override fun overrideMediaDataSourceFactory(
    source: Source,
    mediaDataSourceFactory: DataSource.Factory
): DataSource.Factory? {
    // Return your custom factory or null to use default
3. shouldDisableCache

Enables dynamic disabling of the caching system per source.

override fun shouldDisableCache(source: Source): Boolean {
    return true // your own logic

Once implemented, react-native-video will automatically invoke these methods for each <Video /> instance.

iOS Implementation

1. Podspec Integration

Your new module must have access to react-native-video. Add it as a dependency in your Podspec file:

s.dependency "react-native-video"

2. Create the Plugin

You can implement either the base RNVPlugin class or the player-specific RNVAVPlayerPlugin class.

Base Plugin

class MyAnalyticsPlugin: RNVPlugin {
    override func onInstanceCreated(id: String, player: Any) {
        // Handle player creation
    override func onInstanceRemoved(id: String, player: Any) {
        // Handle player removal

AVPlayer-Specific Plugin

class MyAVPlayerAnalyticsPlugin: RNVAVPlayerPlugin {
    override func onInstanceCreated(id: String, player: AVPlayer) {
        // Handle AVPlayer creation with type-safe access
    override func onInstanceRemoved(id: String, player: AVPlayer) {
        // Handle AVPlayer removal with type-safe access

The RNVPlugin class defines two methods:

 * Function called when a new player is created
 * @param id: a random string identifying the player
 * @param player: the instantiated player reference
open func onInstanceCreated(id: String, player: Any) { /* no-op */ }
 * Function called when a player should be destroyed
 * when this callback is called, the plugin shall free all
 * resources and release all reference to Player object
 * @param id: a random string identifying the player
 * @param player: the player to release
open func onInstanceRemoved(id: String, player: Any) { /* no-op */ }

3. Register the Plugin

To register the plugin in react-native-video, call:

ReactNativeVideoManager.shared.registerPlugin(plugin: plugin)

In the sample implementation, the plugin is registered inside the VideoPluginSample file within the init function:

import react_native_video
override init() {
    ReactNativeVideoManager.shared.registerPlugin(plugin: self)

Once registered, your module can track player updates and report analytics data to your backend.

Custom DRM Manager

You can provide a custom DRM manager through your plugin to handle DRM in a custom way. This is useful when you need to integrate with a specific DRM provider or implement custom DRM logic.

Android Implementation

1/ Create custom DRM manager

Create a class that implements the DRMManagerSpec interface:

class CustomDRMManager : DRMManagerSpec {
    override fun buildDrmSessionManager(uuid: UUID, drmProps: DRMProps): DrmSessionManager? {
        // Your custom implementation for building DRM session manager
        // Return null if the DRM scheme is not supported
        // Throw UnsupportedDrmException if the DRM scheme is invalid

2/ Register DRM manager in your plugin

Implement getDRMManager() in your ExoPlayer plugin to provide the custom DRM manager:

class CustomVideoPlugin : RNVExoplayerPlugin {
    private val drmManager = CustomDRMManager()
    override fun getDRMManager(): DRMManagerSpec? {
        return drmManager
    override fun onInstanceCreated(id: String, player: ExoPlayer) {
        // Handle player creation
    override fun onInstanceRemoved(id: String, player: ExoPlayer) {
        // Handle player removal

iOS Implementation

1/ Create custom DRM manager

Create a class that implements the DRMManagerSpec protocol:

class CustomDRMManager: NSObject, DRMManagerSpec {
    func createContentKeyRequest(
        asset: AVContentKeyRecipient,
        drmProps: DRMParams?,
        reactTag: NSNumber?,
        onVideoError: RCTDirectEventBlock?,
        onGetLicense: RCTDirectEventBlock?
    ) {
        // Initialize content key session and handle key request
    func handleContentKeyRequest(keyRequest: AVContentKeyRequest) {
        // Process the content key request
    func finishProcessingContentKeyRequest(keyRequest: AVContentKeyRequest, license: Data) throws {
        // Finish processing the key request with the obtained license
    func handleError(_ error: Error, for keyRequest: AVContentKeyRequest) {
        // Handle any errors during the DRM process
    func setJSLicenseResult(license: String, licenseUrl: String) {
        // Handle successful license acquisition from JS side
    func setJSLicenseError(error: String, licenseUrl: String) {
        // Handle license acquisition errors from JS side

2/ Register DRM manager in your plugin

Implement getDRMManager() in your AVPlayer plugin to provide the custom DRM manager:

class CustomVideoPlugin: RNVAVPlayerPlugin {
    override func getDRMManager() -> DRMManagerSpec? {
        return CustomDRMManager()
    override func onInstanceCreated(id: String, player: AVPlayer) {
        // Handle player creation
    override func onInstanceRemoved(id: String, player: AVPlayer) {
        // Handle player removal

Important notes about DRM managers:

  1. Only one plugin can provide a DRM manager at a time. If multiple plugins try to provide DRM managers, only the first one will be used.
  2. The custom DRM manager will be used for all video instances in the app.
  3. If no custom DRM manager is provided:
    • On iOS, the default FairPlay-based implementation will be used
    • On Android, the default ExoPlayer DRM implementation will be used
  4. The DRM manager must handle all DRM-related functionality:
    • On iOS: key requests, license acquisition, and error handling through AVContentKeySession
    • On Android: DRM session management and license acquisition through ExoPlayer's DrmSessionManager
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