

Caching is supported on iOS platforms with a CocoaPods setup and on Android using SimpleCache.


Android uses an LRU SimpleCache with a variable cache size, which can be specified by bufferConfig - cacheSizeMB. This creates a folder named RNVCache inside the app's cache directory.

Note that react-native-video does not currently offer a native method to flush the cache, but it can be cleared by manually clearing the app's cache.

Additionally, this resolves the issue in RNV6 where the source URI was repeatedly called when looping a video on Android.



The cache is backed by SPTPersistentCache (opens in a new tab) and DVAssetLoaderDelegate (opens in a new tab).

How It Works

Caching is based on the asset's URL. SPTPersistentCache uses an LRU (Least Recently Used (opens in a new tab)) caching policy.


Currently, caching is only supported for URLs ending in .mp4, .m4v, or .mov. In future versions, URLs with query strings (e.g., test.mp4?resolution=480p) will be supported once dependencies allow access to the Content-Type header.

At this time, HLS playlists (.m3u8) and videos with sideloaded text tracks are not supported and will bypass the cache.

You will see warnings in the Xcode logs when using debug mode. If you're unsure whether your video is cached, check your Xcode logs.

By default, files expire after 30 days, and the maximum cache size is 100MB.

Future updates may include more configurable caching options.

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