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🖊️ Dark mode examples

Code has been already described step by step in the DEFAULT EXAMPLES section.
So I think there is no use to do it here again.
Here we have only a few differences I need to mention, and they are minimal:

  • we use modify() and remove() only if the DEFAULT EXAMPLES because their usage is limited, and the explanation there is all we need to know. We can remove notification, or modify it. So, we will not use them here and in the other examples. Because of the same reason we will not use useState and useNotificationController here.
  • we added one extra property - darkMode in the global settings
    (because we want to show examples in the dark mode, right? 😉 )

That's the only difference between Default Examples and Dark Mode Examples.
Let's take a look at the code and the visualizations then:


import React from 'react'
import { SafeAreaView } from 'react-native'
import { createNotifications } from 'react-native-notificated'
import { SuccessButton } from '../components/basicExamples/SuccessButton'
import { ErrorButton } from '../components/basicExamples/ErrorButton'
import { WarningButton } from '../components/basicExamples/WarningButton'
import { InfoButton } from '../components/basicExamples/InfoButton'
import { styles } from './styles'

const { useNotifications, NotificationsProvider } = createNotifications({
isNotch: true,
defaultStylesSettings: {
darkMode: true,

export const DarkModeExamples = () => {
const { notify } = useNotifications()

return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<NotificationsProvider />
onPress={() =>
notify('success', {
params: {
description: 'This is where the toast text goes',
title: 'Success',
onPress={() =>
notify('error', {
params: {
description: 'This is where the toast text goes. ',
title: 'Error',
onPress={() =>
notify('warning', {
params: {
description: 'This is where the toast text goes',
title: 'Warning',
onPress={() =>
notify('info', {
params: {
description: 'This is where the toast text goes.',
title: 'Info',

Visualization of examples

Let's see the notifications we declared above:

Success notification


Error notification


Warning notification


Info notification
