📬 Single Notification Config
Besides global settings, you can also pass props to the notification instance.
PROPS description
There are two main props you can pass to the notification:
- params
- config
onPress={() =>
notify('error', {
params: {},
config: {},
Let's take a look at the params
object properties:
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | String | '' | Props you can use to pass the notification title. Most of the notifications have the title, but this is not required. |
description | String | '' | Props you can use to pass the notification description. This props is required! |
onPress | Function | - | The onPress props gives you possibility to pass extra function, which will be invoked when you use 'X' to close the notification |
style | Object | - | Object with the style properties. You can pass here style settings which will be applied only to this notification instance. Style properties passed here overwrites style settings from defaultStylesSettings . |
onPress={() =>
notify('error', {
params: {
title: '',
description: '',
onPress: () => {},
style: {},
config: {},
And in the config
Name | Type | Default | Description |
duration | Number | 3000 | Use this property to set how long the notifications should be displayed on the screen. Value expressed in milliseconds |
notificationPosition | 'top' / 'center' / 'bottom' | 'top' | Set where the notifications should appear on the screen. You can choose one of three default options: top / center / bottom. To read more about the notification position please go to the NOTIFICATION POSITION section. |
animationConfig | Object | SlideInLeftSlideOutRight | Property responsible for the notification animation. You can set one of the animations prepared by us, or make your own config. To read more about the animation settings please go to the ANIMATIONS SETTINGS section. |
onClose | Function | - | The onClose config option gives you possibility to pass an extra function, which will be invoked upon dismissal of the notification (triggered by swipe gesture, remove method - e.g. close button in default variants or when notification disappears) |
gestureConfig | Object | iOS: 'y' / android: 'x' | Object responsible for setting gesture direction that triggers swipe-dismiss of notification. |
onPress={() =>
notify('error', {
params: {},
config: {
duration: 100,
notificationPosition: 'top',
animationConfig: {},
onClose: () => {},
gestureConfig: { direction: 'y' }
Gesture config
The library gives the possibility to swipe-dismiss the notication so users don't rely only on pressing close button or duration
There are 3 types of gesture config: none, one-dimensional and two-dimensional. By choosing none
, we switch off the possibility to swipe-dismiss a notification.
We can pass gestureConfig
to config
object like so:
gestureConfig: {
direction: 'y' | 'x' | 'full' | 'none'
Default value for iOS: 'y'
Default value for Android: 'x'
By choosing full
direction, we allow notifications to be dismissed in both directions. In this case, some additional config is required, like so:
gestureConfig: {
direction: 'full',
x: { activationDistances: 50, activationVelocities: 200 },
y: { activationDistances: 50, activationVelocities: 200 },
✨ Style props
As we said above, in the style
we can pass style settings for the notification instance.
In fact style
props have the same properties as the globalConfig
, successConfig
, errorConfig
, warningConfig
, infoConfig
Name | Type | Default | Description |
titleSize | Number | 16 | Set font size for the notification title |
titleColor | String | '#505050' (darkMode - false) / '#FAFAFA' (darkMode - true) | Set font color for the notification title |
descriptionSize | Number | 14 | Set font size for the notification description |
descriptionColor | String | '#505050' (darkMode - false) / '#FAFAFA' (darkMode - true) | Set font color for the notification description |
bgColor | String | '#FFFFFF' (darkMode - false) / '#2D2D2D' (darkMode - true) | Set background color for the notification |
borderType | 'border' / 'accent' / 'no-border' | 'border' | Set type of border for the notification (EXAMPLES) |
accentColor | String | '#00EA33' (success type) / '#FC6060' (error type) / '#8CACFF' (warning type) / '#FFD37D' (info type) | Set accent color for the notification. The color of the border or the left side accent line |
borderRadius | Number | 14 | Set border radius for the notification container |
borderWidth | Number | 1 | Set border width for the notification container |
multiline | Number | 1 | Set number of visible lines for the notification description |
defaultIconType | 'color' / 'monochromatic' / 'no-icon' | 'color' | This props works only with default icons. If you set your own icon it has no effect. (EXAMPLES) |
leftIconSource | ImageSourcePropType | - | Set custom left icon for the notification (in png). For example. require(../assets/icon.png) |
What is important here is that the style
props overwrite the styles passed in defaultStylesSettings
To understand it perfectly, let's take a look at the few examples below.
🖌️ Style overwriting example
import React from 'react'
import { SafeAreaView, Text } from 'react-native'
import { createNotifications } from 'react-native-notificated'
import { styles } from './styles'
const { useNotifications, NotificationsProvider } = createNotifications({
defaultStylesSettings: {
globalConfig: {
titleSize: 20,
titleColor: '#4B0082',
descriptionSize: 12,
descriptionColor: '#B0E0E6',
bgColor: '#FFFFF0',
borderRadius: 25,
accentColor: '#4B0082',
borderWidth: 3,
multiline: 5,
errorConfig: {
descriptionSize: 12,
descriptionColor: '#4B0082',
accentColor: '#B0E0E6',
borderWidth: 2,
multiline: 10,
export const GlobalConfigExamples = () => {
const { notify } = useNotifications()
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
<NotificationsProvider />
onPress={() =>
notify('error', {
params: {
description: 'This is where the toast text goes. ',
title: 'Error',
style: {
borderRadius: 15,
borderWidth: 1,
Emit error
In the beginning, we overwrote globalConfig
in the default settings:
- titleSize
- titleColor
- descriptionSize
- descriptionColor
- bgColor
- borderRadius
- accentColor
- borderWidth
- multiline
In the errorConfig
we have overwritten:
- descriptionSize
- descriptionColor
- accentColor
- borderWidth
- multiline
And in style
we have overwritten:
- borderRadius
- accentColor
- borderWidth
So the final style setting for this error
notification is:
titleSize: 20,
titleColor: '#4B0082',
descriptionSize: 12,
descriptionColor: '#4B0082',
bgColor: '#FFFFF0',
borderRadius: 15,
borderWidth: 1,
accentColor: '#B0E0E6',
multiline: 10
Remember that title
, description
and onPress
are not the styling props.
And the final effect:
So in conclusion -
object overwritessuccessConfig
(depends on which notification type are you using and styling),globalConfig
, and DEFAULT SETTINGSsuccessConfig
, and DEFAULT SETTINGSglobalConfig